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Posted by Joseph Iwaye on Saturday, June 17, 2017, In : Prayers 

Are you bittered with yourself or someone else? Do you find it very difficult to forgive that fellow who offended you? There is a way out if only you can step back and talk to God about it. The prayer for overcoming bitterness will guide you to pray using appropriate scriptures. However, before you pray, it is important that you understand a few things about bitterness. The first among these is that bitterness is a ‘poison’ – a poison designed by the enemy to terminate your life (Rom 3:...

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Reasons for a wilderness experience

Posted by Joseph Iwaye on Monday, February 15, 2016, In : Christian Devotions 

man in the wilderness
A wilderness experience is not palatable. Many at times you go through unpleasant situations and endure a lot of discomfort, trials and temptations. You pray and it seems as if prayers are not answered. Then you begin to ask series of questions – why am I in this situation? Why is God not doing this or that? Because you couldn’t find the right answers, you become frustrated both physically, spiritually and emotionally. As a believer, if you are in this kind of situation for too long, you ...

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Prayers for Overcoming the Stronghold of Envy

Posted by Joseph Iwaye on Friday, June 20, 2014, In : Prayers 

Cain envies Abel his brotherEnvy is destructive. It lies, it covets and it kills. The satanic stronghold of envy is a pathway to eternal destruction. Envy must not only be combated with the word of God but also with fervent prayer. If you or your loved one has fallen into the captivity of the sin of envy, here is a list of scriptural based prayers you can pray while trusting God (through the Holy Spirit) to set you free.

Praise, Worship and Thanksgiving

Start by praising the Lord of heaven and earth. Sing unto him ...
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Prayer for Divine Help

Posted by Joseph Iwaye on Thursday, December 20, 2012, In : Prayers 

We all need divine assistance in running the race of life. Human effort is limited but the power of God is limitless. Whatever situation we face as children of God, it is the desire of our father (God) to help us. The Lord has promised to help us (Isaiah 41:13). He is a faithful God. He will not disappoint any of his children who cry unto him for help (Psalm 34:17). Beloved, if you truly need divine help, you need to set time apart to pray these prayer points and pray them passionately...

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Prayer of Salvation

Posted by Joseph Iwaye on Wednesday, August 15, 2012, In : Prayers 
“if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved”(Romans 10:9-10 ESV)

Please say these prayers of salvation

  • Heavenly father, I thank you for sending your Son to die for my sins.
  • I confess today that I’m a sinner.
  • I also confess today that Jesus is the Son of God who died on the cross for my sins.
  • I have made up m...

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Healing Prayers - Bible Based Healing Prayers

Posted by Joseph Iwaye on Wednesday, August 15, 2012, In : Prayers 

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Prayer of Blessing - Bible Based Prayer of Blessing

Posted by Joseph Iwaye on Wednesday, August 15, 2012, In : Prayers 

Prayer of blessings should be an integral part of everyone seeking to prosper in this evil world. Why? Because it is the desire of God to bless his children and not just to bless them but to also make them a channel of blessing unto others (Genesis 12:2). Blessing is the opposite of curse. While God desires to bless his children, the enemy secretly pronounce curse upon them to bring them down. That is why some Christians find it difficult to move forward in spite of every effort to do ...

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Prayer For Strength

Posted by Joseph Iwaye on Wednesday, August 15, 2012, In : Prayers 

Divine strength is the power we need for living. It is the desire of God to strengthen us (Psalm 29:11), but the plan of the devil is to weaken the children of God. When you are weak and weary because of the challenges of life, you need to call on God for divine strength. When God has blessed you so much that you can’t even cope with the workload required of you, you need divine strength as well. When troubles and trials seem to overwhelm you, you need the help of the Most High to st...

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What Prayer can Do - Control of Elements of Nature Possible

Posted by Joseph Iwaye on Wednesday, August 15, 2012, In : Prayers 

Prayer can control the element of nature such as the Sun, the Wind, the Rain, etc. Let us stop complaining about natural disaster; instead let’s bombard the throne of heaven with prayers. Elijah prayed to affect and control the element of nature.

“Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth”. (James 5:17 ESV)

Our Lord Jesus rebuked the turbulent wave of the sea and it obeyed...
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What Prayer Can Do - Death Sentence reversed

Posted by Joseph Iwaye on Wednesday, August 15, 2012, In : Prayers 
Candle lit for the deadHezekiah recognised the power of prayer when death sentence was passed against him on sick bed. Prophet Isaiah told him to put his house in order because death is certain. Hezekiah heard the news and cried unto the Lord, and death sentence was reversed. Additional fifteen years was added to his years on earth (Isaiah 38:1-5).

Another person that benefited from the power of prayer was Tabitha (Dorcas). Tabitha fell sick and died. Her friends thought it was over but Peter knew what pray...

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Joseph Iwaye Founder of Christian Devotions & Resource Centre. I'm a lover and preacher of gospel of Jesus Christ by His grace. I'm blessed with a beautiful wife and wonderful children. We all live together in Scotland, UK. ............................................................. ..........POPULAR QUOTE............. "..the greatest calamity on earth is not death but to die without Christ Jesus...."

“And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last”

 22:12-13 KJV)

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